@Book{OL22453551M, title: {Historias de amor}, author: {Adolfo Bioy Casares}, publisher: {Alianza}, year: {1981}, place: {Madrid}, } @Book{OL47700792M, title: {The short story}, author: {Beverly Lawn and Kate Chopin and Антон Павлович Чехов and Jorge Luis Borges}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1992}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5953339M, title: {The alchemist}, author: {Ben Jonson}, publisher: {Barron's Educational Series}, year: {1965}, place: {Woodbury, New York}, } @Book{OL47325286M, title: {The Library}, author: {Arthur der Weduwen and Andrew Pettegree}, publisher: {Basic Books}, year: {2023}, } @Book{OL3672935M, title: {Animal Farm and 1984}, author: {George Orwell}, publisher: {Harcourt}, year: {2003}, place: {Orlando}, } @Book{OL973585M, title: {Achtung Architektur!}, author: {Eeva-Liisa Pelkonen}, publisher: {MIT Press}, year: {1996}, place: {Cambridge, Mass}, } @Book{OL352188M, title: {Flatland}, author: {Edwin Abbott Abbott}, publisher: {Shambhala}, year: {1999}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL15485450M, title: {The Antichrist}, author: {Friedrich Nietzsche}, publisher: {Ayer Co.}, year: {1997}, place: {North Stratford, N.H}, } @Book{OL5983017M, title: {Maldoror (Les chants de Maldoror)}, author: {Isidore Lucien Ducasse}, publisher: {New Directions}, year: {1965}, place: {[New York]}, } @Book{OL23161036M, title: {Paul et Virginie}, author: {Bernardin de Saint-Pierre}, publisher: {L. Curmer, 49, rue Richelieu}, year: {1838}, place: {Paris}, } @Book{OL6939894M, title: {The crossing}, author: {Winston Churchill}, publisher: {The Macmillan Company}, year: {1904}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7946939M, title: {Lanark}, author: {Alasdair Gray}, publisher: {George Braziller}, year: {1985}, } @Book{OL9154626M, title: {El anticristo}, author: {Friedrich Nietzsche}, publisher: {Edimat Libros}, year: {2006}, } @Work{OL20246W, title: {Frogs}, author: {Aristophanes}, first_publish_year: {1785} } @Work{OL20247W, title: {Clouds}, author: {Aristophanes}, first_publish_year: {1715} } @Work{OL20248W, title: {Lysistrata}, author: {Aristophanes}, first_publish_year: {1872} } @Work{OL16249171W, title: {Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales}, author: {Hans Christian Andersen}, first_publish_year: {1846} } @Work{OL20245W, title: {Birds}, author: {Aristophanes}, first_publish_year: {1824} } @Work{OL19630400W, title: {The Catalogue of Shipwrecked Books: Christopher Columbus, His Son, and the Quest to Build the World's Greatest Library}, author: {Edward Wilson-Lee}, first_publish_year: {2019} } @Author{OL7503355A, name: {Edward Wilson-Lee}, }