@Work{OL20086330W, title: {How to Be an Antiracist}, author: {Ibram X. Kendi and Cristina Lizarbe}, first_publish_year: {2019} } @Work{OL13826369W, title: {The new Jim Crow}, author: {Michelle Alexander and Karen Chilton}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL19664946W, title: {So you want to talk about race}, author: {Ijeoma Oluo}, first_publish_year: {2018} } @Work{OL17231441W, title: {Just Mercy}, author: {Bryan Stevenson}, first_publish_year: {1600} } @Work{OL17201654W, title: {Between the World and Me}, author: {Ta-Nehisi Coates}, first_publish_year: {2015} } @Work{OL2683364W, title: {The fire next time}, author: {James Baldwin}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL20159738W, title: {Biased}, author: {Jennifer L. Eberhardt}, first_publish_year: {2019} } @Work{OL19354079W, title: {White Fragility}, author: {Robin J. DiAngelo}, first_publish_year: {2018} } @Author{OL7093261A, name: {Robin J. DiAngelo}, birth_date: {1956-09-08} }