@Work{OL12795W, title: {O Pioneers!}, author: {Willa Cather}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL262460W, title: {The Lost World}, author: {Arthur Conan Doyle}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL66496W, title: {Ion}, author: {Euripides}, first_publish_year: {1820} } @Work{OL15304774W, title: {Boule de suif}, author: {Guy de Maupassant}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL38630W, title: {Almayer's folly}, author: {Joseph Conrad}, first_publish_year: {1890} } @Work{OL579307W, title: {Literary works}, author: {Richard Wagner}, first_publish_year: {1871} } @Work{OL3408882W, title: {Poems by Thomas Hood}, author: {Thomas Hood}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL893958W, title: {Salammbô}, author: {Gustave Flaubert}, first_publish_year: {1863} } @Work{OL81205W, title: {Poems}, author: {David Herbert Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL62247W, title: {Poems}, author: {Ralph Waldo Emerson}, first_publish_year: {1847} } @Work{OL17618343W, title: {Pokemon. Rubí y zafiro. 1}, author: {Hidenori Kusaka}, first_publish_year: {2016} } @Work{OL76350W, title: {Orthodoxy}, author: {Gilbert Keith Chesterton}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL42383W, title: {The Harvester}, author: {Gene Stratton-Porter}, first_publish_year: {1911} } @Work{OL43690W, title: {Disputa entre semi deuses}, author: {Mateus Vinícius}, first_publish_year: {1885} } @Work{OL102797W, title: {Discovery of the Great West}, author: {Francis Parkman}, first_publish_year: {1869} } @Work{OL653213W, title: {Faust}, author: {Charles Gounod}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL3742188W, title: {The recruiting officer}, author: {George Farquhar}, first_publish_year: {1706} } @Work{OL455336W, title: {The Marble Faun}, author: {Nathaniel Hawthorne}, first_publish_year: {1840} } @Work{OL17618356W, title: {Financial accounting}, author: {Clyde P. Stickney}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL515357W, title: {Insectivorous plants}, author: {Charles Darwin}, first_publish_year: {1875} } @Work{OL102933W, title: {The West Indian}, author: {Richard Cumberland}, first_publish_year: {1771} } @Work{OL17619026W, title: {Gertrude Stein}, author: {Teresa Requena Pelegrí}, first_publish_year: {2015} } @Work{OL17618351W, title: {Nyū Yōku shimpō = The Japanese times}, first_publish_year: {1913} }