@Work{OL12795W, title: {O Pioneers!}, author: {Willa Cather}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL18396W, title: {The Marvelous Land of Oz}, author: {L. Frank Baum and Thomas Langois and John R. Neill and Alexa RACHAEL}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Work{OL15420303W, title: {John Donne Poetry}, author: {John Donne and John Booty and P.G. Stanwood}, first_publish_year: {1633} } @Work{OL99843W, title: {Grundlegung zur Metaphysik der Sitten}, author: {Immanuel Kant}, first_publish_year: {1785} } @Work{OL1130084W, title: {Hypatia, or, New foes with an old face}, author: {Charles Kingsley}, first_publish_year: {1853} } @Work{OL1144824W, title: {Historical Sketches}, author: {John Henry Newman}, first_publish_year: {1872} } @Work{OL4772651W, title: {The scholemaster}, author: {Roger Ascham}, first_publish_year: {1571} } @Work{OL687223W, title: {Memorabilia}, author: {Xenophon}, first_publish_year: {1650} } @Work{OL107193W, title: {Heavenly footman}, author: {John Bunyan}, first_publish_year: {1698} } @Work{OL729826W, title: {Paul Gauguin}, author: {Paul Gauguin}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL15211780W, title: {Works}, author: {Robert Louis Stevenson}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL1124050W, title: {Tales and Novels}, author: {Maria Edgeworth}, first_publish_year: {1800} } @Work{OL3554901W, title: {Satiræ}, author: {Aulus Persius Flaccus}, first_publish_year: {1656} } @Work{OL671958W, title: {Letters to his son}, author: {Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of Chesterfield}, first_publish_year: {1774} } @Work{OL5224686W, title: {On the truths contained in popular superstitions}, author: {Herbert Mayo}, first_publish_year: {1851} } @Work{OL74740W, title: {Poems}, author: {Felicia Dorothea Browne Hemans}, first_publish_year: {1808} } @Work{OL1105907W, title: {Among my books}, author: {James Russell Lowell}, first_publish_year: {1870} } @Work{OL15229222W, title: {Selected poems}, author: {Gaius Valerius Catullus}, first_publish_year: {1834} } @Work{OL1103201W, title: {Ruth (volume II)}, author: {Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell}, first_publish_year: {1853} } @Work{OL62241W, title: {The conduct of life}, author: {Ralph Waldo Emerson}, first_publish_year: {1860} } @Work{OL43369W, title: {Zapiski okhotnika}, author: {Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev}, first_publish_year: {1895} } @Work{OL1198483W, title: {Poems}, author: {Elizabeth Barrett Browning}, first_publish_year: {1844} } @Work{OL3717134W, title: {The grave}, author: {Robert Blair}, first_publish_year: {1743} } @Work{OL17610516W, title: {Alocada decisión}, author: {Carlos de Santander}, first_publish_year: {1963} } @Work{OL17336257W, title: {Budded pecan trees}, author: {Magnolia Nursery Orchard and Farm}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL242767W, title: {Proceedings}, author: {Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society}, } @Author{OL2543526A, name: {Dorset Natural History and Archaeological Society}, }