@Book{OL349749M, title: {Almost an island}, author: {Bruce Berger}, publisher: {University of Arizona Press}, year: {1998}, place: {Tucson}, } @Book{OL5695218M, title: {Italian odyssey}, author: {Fassett, James H.}, publisher: {Atheneum}, year: {1969}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6806091M, title: {Red strangers}, author: {Elspeth Huxley}, publisher: {Penguin Books}, year: {1999}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL4170521M, title: {Pioneers' scrapbook}, author: {Elspeth Huxley and Arnold Curtis}, publisher: {Evans Bros.}, year: {1980}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL818297M, title: {Native roads}, author: {Fran Kosik and George Hardeen}, publisher: {Creative Solutions Pub.}, year: {1996}, place: {Flagstaff, Ariz}, } @Work{OL102745W, title: {Omoo}, author: {Herman Melville}, first_publish_year: {1847} } @Work{OL1917194W, title: {The land of little rain}, author: {Mary Austin and Mary Hunter Austin}, first_publish_year: {1903} } @Work{OL879152W, title: {Far away and long ago}, author: {W. H. Hudson}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Author{OL77089A, name: {W. H. Hudson}, birth_date: {1841} , death_date: {1922} }