@Book{OL977842M, title: {Trainspotting}, author: {Irvine Welsh}, publisher: {W. W. Norton \& Company}, year: {1996}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26649953M, title: {A thief in the night}, author: {David Chandler}, publisher: {HarperCollins / SFBC}, year: {2011}, } @Book{OL24981555M, title: {Dune}, author: {Frank Herbert}, publisher: {Ace Books}, year: {1987}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL25299184M, title: {A matter of days}, author: {Amber Kizer}, publisher: {Delacorte Press}, year: {2013}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL25067147M, title: {Body, Inc}, author: {Alan Dean Foster}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {2012}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL9830805M, title: {Mary Queen of Scotland \& The Isles}, author: {Margaret George}, publisher: {St. Martin's Griffin}, year: {1997}, } @Book{OL24366687M, title: {Queen of Song and Souls}, author: {C. L. Wilson}, publisher: {Avon}, year: {2010}, } @Work{OL2718328W, title: {The Outsiders}, author: {S. E. Hinton and Jim Fyfe and Jodi Picoult}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL28322W, title: {Rosemary's Baby}, author: {Ira Levin}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL81626W, title: {Carrie}, author: {Stephen King}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL15326463W, title: {Super sad true love story}, author: {Gary Shteyngart and Adam Grupper and Ali Ahn}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL17469517W, title: {Hatter M, Volume 2}, author: {Frank Beddor}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL149188W, title: {The Running Man}, author: {Stephen King}, first_publish_year: {1982} } @Work{OL9533903W, title: {Looks}, author: {Madeleine George}, first_publish_year: {2008} } @Work{OL15493120W, title: {Matched (Matched Trilogy, Book 1)}, author: {Ally Condie}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL15941407W, title: {Blood wounds}, author: {Susan Beth Pfeffer}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL7989086W, title: {The Snow}, author: {Adam Roberts}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL16039989W, title: {The Fury}, author: {John Farris}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Author{OL4586049A, name: {John Farris}, }