@Book{OL349126M, title: {The wasp factory}, author: {Iain M. Banks}, publisher: {Scribner Paperback Fiction}, year: {1998}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Work{OL2455093W, title: {Lost Horizon}, author: {James Hilton}, first_publish_year: {1666} } @Work{OL106083W, title: {Brighton rock}, author: {Graham Greene}, first_publish_year: {1938} } @Work{OL1884862W, title: {Silent Spring}, author: {Rachel Carson and Lois Darling and Louis Darling}, first_publish_year: {1962} } @Work{OL106084W, title: {The power and the Glory}, author: {Graham Greene}, first_publish_year: {1940} } @Work{OL176092W, title: {The Moonstone}, author: {Wilkie Collins and Pieter Koster and Sandra Kemp and Andronum}, first_publish_year: {1868} } @Work{OL81613W, title: {It}, author: {Stephen King}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL1971473W, title: {Testament of youth}, author: {Vera Brittain}, first_publish_year: {1933} } @Work{OL23166W, title: {East of Eden}, author: {John Steinbeck}, first_publish_year: {1952} } @Work{OL88883W, title: {A Passage to India}, author: {Edward Morgan Forster}, first_publish_year: {1924} } @Work{OL2749461W, title: {Armed with Madness}, author: {Mary Butts}, first_publish_year: {1928} } @Work{OL16053832W, title: {Streets of Laredo}, author: {Larry McMurtry}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL1209517W, title: {Cider with Rosie}, author: {Laurie Lee}, first_publish_year: {1959} } @Author{OL4340367A, name: {Laurie Lee}, birth_date: {1914} , death_date: {1997} }