@Book{OL14011122M, title: {Heaven and its wonders and hell}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {The American Swedenborg printing and publishing society}, year: {1900}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7177654M, title: {Angelic wisdom concerning the divine love and the divine wisdom.}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {The American Swedenborg printing and publishing society}, year: {1915}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7217800M, title: {The true Christian religion}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {Amer. Swedenborg Pub. Soc.}, year: {1886}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL13994346M, title: {Arcana caelestia}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {American Swedenborg Printing and Pub. Society}, year: {1892}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7116392M, title: {The Apocalypse revealed}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {Amer. Swedenborg Pub. Soc.}, year: {1883}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24182530M, title: {Miscellaneous theological works of Emanuel Swedenborg ...}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, publisher: {American Swedenborg printing and publishing society}, year: {1903}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL33307W, title: {Outlines of a philosophical argument on the infinite}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg and James John Garth 1812-1899 Wilkinson}, first_publish_year: {1847} } @Work{OL33565W, title: {De coelo et ejus mirabilibus}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, first_publish_year: {1867} } @Work{OL33545W, title: {On the Worship and Love of God}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, first_publish_year: {1828} } @Work{OL10708884W, title: {Documents concerning the life and character of Emanuel Swedenborg}, author: {Rudolf Leonhard Tafel}, first_publish_year: {1875} } @Work{OL33218W, title: {The gist of Swedenborg}, author: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL4322744W, title: {Emanuel Swedenborg}, author: {George Trobridge}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Author{OL841586A, name: {George Trobridge}, birth_date: {1851} , death_date: {1909} }