@Book{OL24206417M, title: {European and American professional sourdough cooking and recipes}, author: {George Leonard Herter}, publisher: {Herter's, Inc.}, year: {1974}, place: {Waseca, MN}, } @Book{OL4560460M, title: {Rita Davenport's Sourdough cookery.}, author: {Rita Davenport}, publisher: {H.P. Books}, year: {1977}, place: {Tucson, AZ}, } @Book{OL24953156M, title: {250 breads, biscuits and rolls}, author: {Culinary Arts Institute.}, publisher: {Consolidated Book Publishers}, year: {1969}, place: {Chicago, Ill}, } @Work{OL1798759W, title: {Boston Cooking-School cook book}, author: {Fannie Merritt Farmer}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Author{OL215911A, name: {Fannie Merritt Farmer}, birth_date: {1857} , death_date: {1915} }