@Book{OL3959762M, title: {Teias de charlotte}, author: {E. B. White and Guillermo Solana Alonso}, publisher: {HarperCollins Publishers}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL23242654M, title: {Holes}, author: {Louis Sachar}, publisher: {Farrar, Straus and Giroux}, year: {1998}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL385884M, title: {The Demon Apostle}, author: {R. A. Salvatore}, publisher: {Ballantine Pub. Group}, year: {1999}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL2063909M, title: {Streams of Silver}, author: {R. A. Salvatore}, publisher: {TSR, Inc.}, year: {1989}, place: {Lake Geneva, Wis}, } @Book{OL39802909M, title: {Las aventuras de Sherlock Holmes}, author: {Arthur Conan Doyle}, publisher: {Distribuciones Fontamara}, year: {1998}, place: {México, D.F}, } @Work{OL1954398W, title: {Downsiders}, author: {Neal Shusterman}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Author{OL234454A, name: {Neal Shusterman}, }