@Book{OL24138128M, title: {Where there's a will ...}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, publisher: {A. L. Burt company}, year: {1912}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL7542324W, title: {Dangerous Days}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL137360W, title: {Twenty-three and a half hours' leave}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL137378W, title: {Tish}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1916} } @Work{OL137386W, title: {The Window At The White Cat}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL137379W, title: {Kings, queens and pawns}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1915} } @Work{OL137372W, title: {The Door}, author: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, first_publish_year: {1930} } @Author{OL22028A, name: {Mary Roberts Rinehart}, birth_date: {12 August 1876} , death_date: {22 September 1958} }