@Work{OL1661260W, title: {The year of the horseless carriage, 1801}, author: {Genevieve Foster}, first_publish_year: {1975} } @Work{OL267933W, title: {Gone With the Wind}, author: {Margaret Mitchell}, first_publish_year: {1936} } @Work{OL82664W, title: {The Killer Angels}, author: {Michael Shaara}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL77958W, title: {The Last of the Mohicans}, author: {James Fenimore Cooper}, first_publish_year: {1826} } @Work{OL1182539W, title: {Jubilee}, author: {Margaret Walker}, first_publish_year: {1966} } @Work{OL2934879W, title: {Seasons of America Past}, author: {Eric Sloane}, first_publish_year: {1958} } @Work{OL61516W, title: {Frontier living:An illustrated guide to pioneer life in America}, author: {Edwin Tunis}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL54767W, title: {Fortune's children}, author: {Arthur T. Vanderbilt II}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL61511W, title: {Colonial living}, author: {Edwin Tunis}, first_publish_year: {1957} } @Work{OL17720537W, title: {Sophia's War}, author: {Avi}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL2982306W, title: {The Cartoon History of the United States}, author: {Larry Gonick}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL15154830W, title: {True grit.}, author: {Charles Portis}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Work{OL1661263W, title: {The world of William Penn}, author: {Genevieve Foster}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL12484W, title: {Copper sun}, author: {Sharon M. Draper}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL17653956W, title: {Blood on the river}, author: {Elisa Lynn Carbone}, first_publish_year: {2008} } @Author{OL27178A, name: {Elisa Lynn Carbone}, }