@Work{OL2987332W, title: {Life and liberty in America}, author: {Charles Mackay}, first_publish_year: {1859} } @Work{OL1087876W, title: {The English in the West Indies}, author: {James Anthony Froude}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL2026869W, title: {Popular government}, author: {Henry Sumner Maine}, first_publish_year: {1885} } @Work{OL2346356W, title: {The land of the dollar}, author: {G. W. Steevens}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL1545301W, title: {Outre-mer}, author: {Paul Bourget}, first_publish_year: {1894} } @Work{OL1064766W, title: {Latter-day pamphlets}, author: {Thomas Carlyle}, first_publish_year: {1850} } @Work{OL1104443W, title: {Three Phi Beta Kappa addresses}, author: {Charles Francis Adams Jr.}, first_publish_year: {1907} } @Author{OL113876A, name: {Charles Francis Adams Jr.}, birth_date: {1835} , death_date: {1915} }