@Work{OL64468W, title: {Brave New World}, author: {Aldous Huxley}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL85892W, title: {Dracula}, author: {Bram Stoker}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL872932W, title: {Siddhartha}, author: {Hermann Hesse}, first_publish_year: {1922} } @Work{OL5730340W, title: {The 25th hour}, author: {David Benioff}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL88883W, title: {A Passage to India}, author: {Edward Morgan Forster}, first_publish_year: {1924} } @Work{OL52266W, title: {The Invisible Man}, author: {H. G. Wells}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL274098W, title: {Death of a Salesman}, author: {Cram}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL24120W, title: {The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde}, author: {Robert Louis Stevenson}, first_publish_year: {1950} } @Author{OL25963A, name: {Robert Louis Stevenson}, birth_date: {13 November 1850} , death_date: {3 December 1894} }