@Work{OL2319934W, title: {The Coral Island}, author: {Robert Michael Ballantyne and Robert Ballantyne}, first_publish_year: {1858} } @Work{OL10432709W, title: {Братья Карамазовы}, author: {Фёдор Михайлович Достоевский}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL830532W, title: {أعمدة الحكمة السبعة}, author: {T. E. Lawrence}, first_publish_year: {1926} } @Work{OL295683W, title: {The preaching of Islam}, author: {Sir Thomas Walker Arnold}, first_publish_year: {1896} } @Work{OL6665399W, title: {Palestine of the Jews}, author: {Bentwich, Norman De Mattos}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL7170002W, title: {The disintegration of Islam}, author: {Samuel Marinus Zwemer}, first_publish_year: {1916} } @Author{OL2048331A, name: {Samuel Marinus Zwemer}, birth_date: {1867} , death_date: {1952} }