@Book{OL7109184M, title: {The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn}, author: {Mark Twain}, publisher: {P.F. Collier \& Son Co.}, year: {1912}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL26491056M, title: {The Great Gatsby}, author: {F. Scott Fitzgerald}, publisher: {Planet Ebook}, } @Book{OL20582963M, title: {Great Expectations}, author: {Charles Dickens}, publisher: {Chapman and Hall}, year: {1865}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL23752259M, title: {Essays}, author: {Ralph Waldo Emerson}, publisher: {Dent}, year: {1920}, place: {London}, } @Work{OL66562W, title: {Sense and Sensibility}, author: {Jane Austen}, first_publish_year: {1811} } @Work{OL74504W, title: {White Fang}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL259026W, title: {King Lear}, author: {William Shakespeare}, first_publish_year: {1608} } @Work{OL1095427W, title: {Jane Eyre}, author: {Charlotte Brontë}, first_publish_year: {1847} } @Work{OL259010W, title: {A Midsummer Night's Dream}, author: {William Shakespeare and Guillermo Macpherson and Cristina Navarro Muñoz and Eduardo Zamanillo and Antoni Laveda and Ángel Pareja}, first_publish_year: {1600} } @Work{OL262454W, title: {The Hound of the Baskervilles}, author: {Arthur Conan Doyle}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL102749W, title: {Moby Dick}, author: {Herman Melville}, first_publish_year: {1851} } @Work{OL455305W, title: {The Scarlet Letter}, author: {Nathaniel Hawthorne}, first_publish_year: {1850} } @Work{OL262421W, title: {The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes [12 stories]}, author: {Arthur Conan Doyle}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Work{OL53919W, title: {The Adventures of Tom Sawyer}, author: {Mark Twain}, first_publish_year: {1817} } @Work{OL258902W, title: {Macbeth}, author: {William Shakespeare}, first_publish_year: {1508} } @Work{OL14942956W, title: {The Call of the Wild}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1903} } @Work{OL20600W, title: {Gulliver's Travels}, author: {Jonathan Swift}, first_publish_year: {1726} } @Work{OL267096W, title: {Anna Karenina}, author: {Lev Nikolaevič Tolstoy}, first_publish_year: {1876} } @Work{OL39349W, title: {Mrs. Dalloway}, author: {Virginia Woolf}, first_publish_year: {1925} } @Work{OL812053W, title: {The Velveteen Rabbit}, author: {Margery Williams Bianco and Wendy Cheyette Lewison and Juan Gonzalez Alvaro}, first_publish_year: {1900} } @Work{OL1337126W, title: {The Code of the Woosters}, author: {P. G. Wodehouse}, first_publish_year: {1938} } @Work{OL1911334W, title: {The Chrysalids}, author: {John Wyndham}, first_publish_year: {1955} } @Work{OL1162150W, title: {Don Quixote}, author: {Herbert John Clifford Grierson}, first_publish_year: {1921} } @Author{OL117642A, name: {Herbert John Clifford Grierson}, birth_date: {1866} , death_date: {1960} }