@Book{OL24947051M, title: {I'm feeling lucky}, author: {Douglas Edwards}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin Harcourt}, year: {2011}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL5820529M, title: {The folklore of sex.}, author: {Albert Ellis}, publisher: {Grove Press}, year: {1961}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6152761M, title: {Diary of a self-made convict.}, author: {Alfred Hassler}, publisher: {H. Regnery Co.}, year: {1954}, place: {Chicago}, } @Work{OL44994W, title: {The Return of the Native}, author: {Thomas Hardy}, first_publish_year: {1878} } @Work{OL2446206W, title: {Free Fall in Crimson}, author: {John D. MacDonald}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL14923894W, title: {Deep Black}, author: {Stephen Coonts}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL17343W, title: {The assassin}, author: {Stephen Coonts}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL39093W, title: {Chance}, author: {Joseph Conrad}, first_publish_year: {1913} } @Work{OL14923893W, title: {Deep Black Dark Zone (NSA)}, author: {Stephen Coonts}, first_publish_year: {2004} } @Author{OL23308A, name: {Stephen Coonts}, birth_date: {1946} }