@Work{OL12775435W, title: {Understanding video games}, author: {Simon Egenfeldt-Nielsen and Simon Egenfeldt-Nielson and Jonas Heide Smith and Susana Pajares Tosca}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL24138173W, title: {Interactive Stories and Video Game Art}, author: {Chris Solarski}, first_publish_year: {2016} } @Work{OL29242092W, title: {The art of producing games}, author: {David McCarthy and Ste Curran and Simon Byron}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL20729411W, title: {The Moral Narratives of Hayao Miyazaki}, author: {Eric Reinders}, first_publish_year: {2016} } @Work{OL20549284W, title: {''War and Peace'' in Studio Ghibli Films}, author: {Daisuke Akimoto}, first_publish_year: {2014} } @Work{OL4463305W, title: {Designing Character-Based Console Games}, author: {Mark Davies}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL20261911W, title: {Principles of Creature Design}, author: {Terryl Whitlatch}, first_publish_year: {2015} } @Author{OL1393549A, name: {Terryl Whitlatch}, }