Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions from this publisher over time. Click to view a single year, or drag across a range.

Editions Published
Year of Publication


published most by this publisher
Alberto Nessi, 6 books
Marino Viganò, 4 books
Claudia Quadri, 3 books
Ottavio Besomi, 3 books
Remo Fasani, 3 books
Plinio Grossi, 3 books
Vanni Bianconi, 2 books
Mariapia Borgnini, 2 books
Reto Roedel, 2 books
Carlo Zanda, 2 books
Mario Botta, 2 books
Laura Pariani, 2 books
Fabio Pusterla, 2 books
Anna Felder, 2 books
Maurizio Salabelle, 2 books
Carlo Dionisotti, 2 books
Callisto Caldelari, 2 books
Raffaello Ceschi, 2 books
Sandro Bianconi, 2 books
Giuliano Scabia, 2 books
Pietro De Marchi, 2 books
Jean Soldini, 2 books
Matteo Pelli, 2 books
Ottorino Villatora, 2 books
Giorgio Orelli, 2 books

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