Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions from this publisher over time. Click to view a single year, or drag across a range.

Editions Published
Year of Publication


published most by this publisher
Iskender Pala, 52 books
Sinan Yagmur, 17 books
Besir Ayvazoglu, 15 books
Kemal Sayar, 15 books
Ducane Cundioglu, 14 books
Sevinc Cokum, 12 books
Halil Cibran, 9 books
Erol Göka, 8 books
Sevinç Çokum, 7 books
Mustafa Ulusoy, 7 books
Abdülbaki Gölpinarli, 7 books
Cevdet Kudret, 6 books
Kolektif, 5 books
Yildiz Ramazanoglu, 5 books
Abdülbâki Gölpinarli, 5 books
Haluk Dursun, 4 books
Feridun M. Emecen, 4 books
M. Turhan Tan, 4 books
Ahmet Rasim, 4 books
Ahmet Turgut, 4 books
Ömer Riza Dogrul, 4 books
Hakan Kagan, 4 books
Haldun Hurel, 4 books
Esat Arslan, 4 books
Malik Aksel, 3 books

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