Publishing History This is a chart to show the when this publisher published books. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions from this publisher over time. Click to view a single year, or drag across a range.

Editions Published
Year of Publication


published most by this publisher
Leonardo Boff, 29 books
Raimon Panikkar, 19 books
Jon Sobrino, 19 books
Megan McKenna, 18 books
Carlo Carretto, 17 books
Pope Francis, 16 books
Ilia Delio, 15 books
Joseph G. Donders, 15 books
Juan Luis Segundo, 14 books
James H. Cone, 13 books
Joan Chittister, 13 books
Jim Forest, 13 books
Henri J. M. Nouwen, 12 books
Gustavo Gutiérrez, 11 books
Paul F. Knitter, 11 books
Thomas P. Fenton, 11 books
Virgilio P. Elizondo, 9 books
William J. O'Malley, 9 books
Gustavo Gutiérrez, 9 books
Aylward Shorter, 9 books
Robert Ellsberg, 8 books
José Comblin, 8 books
Hélder Câmara, 8 books
Stephen B. Bevans, 8 books
Kōsuke Koyama, 7 books

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