Publishing History

This is a chart to show the publishing history of editions of works about this subject. Along the X axis is time, and on the y axis is the count of editions published. Click here to skip the chart.  This graph charts editions published on this subject.
Editions Published
Year of Publication


Prolific Authors

who have written the most books on this subject
Thomas Aquinas, 27 books
Augustine of Hippo, 21 books
Mark Grant Davis, 16 books
Wallis, John, 14 books
Athanasius Saint, Patriarch of Alexandria, 12 books
Anselm of Canterbury, 12 books
Noah Worcester, 12 books
William Sherlock, 11 books
Michael Servetus, 11 books
Saint Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, 11 books
Jules Lebreton, 10 books
Gilles Emery, 10 books
Ambrose Serle, 9 books
Tertullian, 8 books
Clarke, Samuel, 8 books
Fred Sanders, 8 books
Peter Abelard, 8 books
Edward Stillingfleet, 8 books
William Whiston, 7 books
Novatianus., 7 books
Karl Rahner, 7 books
John Owen, 7 books
Piero Coda, 7 books
Colin E. Gunton, 7 books
Jürgen Moltmann, 7 books