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Parte primera de la Chronica del perv: qve tracta la demarcacion de sus prouincias la descripcion dellas, las fundacione de las nueuas ciudades, los ritos y costumbres delos Indios, y otros cosas estrañas dignas de ser sabidas.
1554, por Iuan Bellero ala enseña del Salmon
in Spanish
Book Details
Edition Notes
First edition, Seville, 1553.
The "Chronica" as left by Cieza de León was divided into four parts, of which only the first was published before the 19th century. Part 2 was first issued in 1873. Of part 4, books 1 and 3 appeared in 1877, and book 2 in 1881. Nothing is known of books 4 and 5 of part 4 and the two "Comentarios" save that the author, in his "Proemio" to the first part, speaks of them as finished. In regard to the manuscript of the third part, Márcos Jiménez de la Espada in the "Prólogo" to book 3 of part 4 of the "Chronica", published in 1877, states that he knows with certainty that it exists and where, although he has not seen it. cf. Cieza de León, Tercero libro de las guerras civiles del Perú (Prologo) Madrid, 1877; also Medina, Biblioteca hisp.-amer., t. 1.
Colophon: Impresso en Anuers por J. Lacio M.D.LIII.
Master microform held by: GmC.
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