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This is a book relating the Veerashaiva (Lingayata) religion practiced in parts of India. This is the first book written by Mr. PM Giriraju., who is a well known kannada scholar specializing in veerashaiva literature. Mr. Giriraju has written more than a dozen books relating to the subject mater. Most of the books are transalations / illustrations and explanations of taught's of various legendary Veerashaiva thinkers such as Adi Guru Basaveshwara, Siddaramiah, Allama Prabhu etc. Most of the original work belong to the post 16th Century when Veerashiavisam was born., and is written in old kannada / sanskrit language on palm leaves.
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Veerashaiva, Lingayat, Giri Raju PM, Laingayatisam, Basavanna, Sharana Santana, Siddaramiah, Veera Shaiva, Basaweshwara, Kannada Litrature, Oolegari, Palm Leaf manscriptsPeople
P M Giri Raju, Periapatna Mallanna Giriraju, PM Giriraju, Sharana Santana, Basaweshwara, Basavanna, SiddramiahPlaces
Mysore, Karnataka, India, Basava Kalyana, ChitradurgaTimes
1600 - 1900Edition | Availability |
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