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"In a re-imagined Midsummer Night's Dream, men and women speak of and desire their ideal mates; parents seek out their lost children; adult children try to come to terms with their own parents and, in some cases, find new ones.".
"In vignettes both comic and sexy, the owner of a coffee shop recalls the day his first wife seemed to achieve a moment of simple perfection, while she remembers the women's softball game during which she was stricken by the beauty of the shortstop. A young couple spends hours at the coffee shop fueling the idea of their fierce love.
A professor of philosophy, stopping by for a cup of coffee, makes a valiant attempt to explain what he knows to be the inexplicable workings of the human heart."--BOOK JACKET.
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The feast of love
2001, Vintage Contemporaries
in English
- 1st Vintage Contemporaries ed.
037570910X 9780375709104
4 |
5 |
Book Details
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Scriblio MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
marc_columbia MARC record
Work Description
Ein Alptraum reißt den Schriftsteller Charles aus dem Schlaf. Er weiß, dass er keine Ruhe mehr findet und beschließt einen Spaziergang zu machen. Er trifft seinen Freund Bradley Smith der, so wie er, die Nacht betrachtet. Die beiden beginnen zu rden - über die Liebe und über das Leben. Und so entfaltet sich ein ganzes Panorma von Geschichten, in denen es stets um das Eine geht: Gefühle.
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April 14, 2024 | Edited by bitnapper | Merge works (MRID: 131412) |
February 14, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | remove fake subjects |
September 5, 2019 | Edited by JeffKaplan | Reverted Spam |
September 2, 2019 | Edited by Ted Lienhart | Edited without comment. |
October 18, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |