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Last edited by Ben McLaughlin
July 23, 2016 | History
This is the autobiography of now not very well known, but previously, very famous Broadway producer and playwright, John Murray Anderson. The tag line on the book cover says "The Memoirs of John Murray Anderson as told to Hugh Abercrombie Anderson" HAH was his brother. JMA died in 1954 (he was born in Saint John's Newfoundland in 1886) and his autobiography was published posthumously. After reading about JMA I was able to obtain a copy of the book through an Inter Library Loan
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Broadway, Theatre, Newfoundland, Manhattan, New York City, Producer, Playwright, Zeigfeld FolliesPlaces
New York City, Manhattan, Broadway, Newfoundland, London, EnglandTimes
1886-1953Edition | Availability |
1 |
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Endpapers and paste-downs illustrated.
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July 23, 2016 | Edited by Ben McLaughlin | I added a synopsis, tags, an author photo and a book cover photo |
July 23, 2016 | Edited by Ben McLaughlin | Added new cover |
January 21, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | add subjects and covers |
December 11, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |