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Early works to 1800, Comets, OmensTimes
1580Edition | Availability |
A blazyng starre or burnyng beacon, seene the 10. of October laste (and yet continewyng): set on fire by Gods prouidence, to call all sinners to earnest [and] speedie repentance. Written by Francis Shakelton, minister and preacher of the worde of God.
1580, By Ihon Kyngston, for Henry Kirkham, and are to bee solde, at the signe of the blacke boye, adioynyng to the little northdore [sic] of sainct Paule
in English
Book Details
Edition Notes
With a title-page woodcut.
Signatures: a⁴ A-D (-D8).
Running title reads: A blasyng starre or burnyng beacon.
Reproduction of the original in the Henry E. Huntington Library and Art Gallery.
C2 in facsimile by Burt.
STC (2nd ed.) 22272.
Available electronically as part of Early English books online.
Microfilm. Ann Arbor, Mich. : UMI, 1951. 1 microfilm reel ; 35 mm. (Early English books, 1475-1640 ; 470:4).
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