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Snowbird lectures on string geometry: proceedings of an AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on String Geometry, June 5-11, 2004, Snowbird, Utah
2006, American Mathematical Society
in English
0821836633 9780821836637
Snowbird Lectures on String Geometry
May 1, 2006, American Mathematical Society
in English
0821836633 9780821836637
Book Details
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"II-stability of B-type BPS D-branes on a Calabi Yau threefolds X captures many interesting aspects of "stringy geometry"."
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Feedback?July 31, 2019 | Edited by MARC Bot | associate edition with work OL12082199W |
December 3, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Added subjects from MARC records. |
January 22, 2010 | Edited by WorkBot | add more information to works |
December 11, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |