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In this report, we explore collaboration between publicly funded researchers and representatives from industry. Unliked many other studies of collaboration, this report focuses on interactions between individuals. The objective is to identify the practices that underlie successful collaborative projects, and warn would-be collaborators of the potential pitfalls.
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CanadaEdition | Availability |
Lessons in public-private research collaboration: improving interactions between individuals :7th annual innovation
2006, The Conference Board of Canada
in English
0887637310 9780887637315
Book Details
Table of Contents
Executive summary
Chap. 1. Introduction
chap. 2. The benefits of collaboration
chap. 3. The collaboration process
chap. 4. Overcoming barriers to collaboration
chap. 5. Conclusion
Appendix A: Interview guide
Appendix B: Interviewees
Appendix C: Related reports and services.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references.
"June 2006"
Includes bibliographical references.
Also available on the internet.
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