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This study investigated differences between registered nurses and nursing students in ability to make nursing diagnoses and to recall elements of simulated clinical nursing situations. It was hypothesized that skilled registered nurses would be able to make a nursing diagnosis more rapidly and more accurately than novice nursing students. In addition, it was hypothesized that skilled nurses would recall more about the situations than students, and that the pattern of recall would be significantly different between groups.
Thirty registered nurses and thirty nursing students read two verbal descriptions of clinical situations. The descriptions were presented on six slides with six idea units on each slide. Information relative to level of knowledge and degree of familiarity with the diagnosis was obtained. A multivariate analysis of variance and an analysis of the proximity of all possible pairs of idea units in recall was performed.
Significant differences were found in the time necessary to make a correct diagnosis, in the number and type of items recalled, and in the accuracy of the subject's recall. No significant differences were found in the average accuracy with which the subjects made their nursing diagnosis; however, registered nurses were able to make a correct diagnosis more quickly, and recalled more idea units more accurately. The pattern of recall of events from the clinical situations was significantly different between the two groups, with registered nurses grouping idea units into schematic elements upon recall.
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General Psychology, Psychology, GeneralEdition | Availability |
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 46-10, Section: B, page: 3584.
School code: 0138.
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