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The purpose of this study was to determine whether differences in subgroup cultures existed between two nursing units in a midwestern medical center. Previous studies had identified cultures unique to different organizations but few studies had considered the existence of cultures unique to specific work groups within the organization.
The researcher utilized the ethnographic methodology, specifically the participant observer form of interaction, to collect the data. This involved the researcher spending 112 hours on the day shift of each unit observing nursing personnel in the nursing station, in service rooms, and in break rooms. In addition semi-structured interviews with each nursing personnel assigned to the day shift of each unit were conducted. At the conclusion of the study small group discussions were held with all involved personnel to consider the validity and implications of the findings.
Subcultures were identified by studying the unwritten, informal, work group rules of each unit, comparing these rules, and then noting underlying themes connecting these rules. The CMM perspective was utilized in making these observations. Analysis of the rules revealed subcultural differences in the groups' internal-external orientations, in their reactions to change, and in their desire for autonomy versus dependency.
The findings of these subcultural differences suggest that organizations consider the unique culture of each work group in hiring and orienting new members for a specific work group and in bringing about changes in the work group activities.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 48-06, Section: A, page: 1356.
School code: 0018.
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