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Using Roy's Adaptation Model, a non-experimental, multivariate, correlational study identified relationships among interdependence in family caregivers and the elderly, caregiver burden, and adaptation of the homebound frail elderly. Relationships among domains of adaptation (i.e., social and economic resources, physical and mental health, activities of daily living), domains of burden (i.e., subjective and objective burden), and domains of interdependence (i.e., affection and obligation) were examined. Factors of time, activities, supports, health status, and life satisfaction were also studied.
Seventy-two randomly selected elderly-caregiver pairs composed the sample. Elderly were 75 and older, chronically ill, and homebound. Caregivers provided and coordinated nursing and other services. Instruments included a Demographic and Descriptive Data Form, Functional Assessment Inventory, Burden and Affection-Obligation Scales, and Visual Analogs. Significance, at p $<$.05, was established through frequencies, Pearson correlations, dependent t-tests, Olkin's Formula, stepwise multiple regression, canonical correlation, and repeated measures analyses.
Significant findings identified subjective burden was inversely related to mental health and adaptation in the elderly. Subjective burden in caregivers was inversely related to affection for the elderly. Caregivers' health was positively related to affection for the elderly. Elderly's social resources were positively related to affection for caregivers. Elderly affection for caregivers was greater than caregivers' affection for the elderly. Caregivers' obligation to care for the elderly was greater than the elderly's feelings on obligation. Positive relationships were identified between adaptation, life satisfaction in elderly, and years lived with caregiver. Elderly adaptation was inversely related to years of confinement, and years service as caregivers. Subjective burden, inversely related to previous caregiving experience, was positively related to providing emotional and financial support, and coordinating activities. Objective burden was related to colostomy care, administering medications, and providing recreational and leisure time activities. Major findings support the conclusion that positive interdependent relationships, particularly affection, are positively related to adaptation in the elderly and inversely related to subjective burden in caregivers. Research is needed to validate findings and implications for nursing education, practice, research, and health policy formulation; to identify causal relationships; and to design intervention strategies to support frail elderly and family caregivers in the home setting.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 48-11, Section: B, page: 3250.
School code: 0043.
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