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This study investigates a teaching strategy used in the preparation of nurses. The research questions were (1) Does the extent of the one to one nurse-patient relationship in correlation with three other selected predictors, setting, QPA and SAT, predict nursing students' P-MHN theory learning? (2) Does the extent of one to one nurse-patient relationship, in correlation with three other selected predictors, setting, QPA and P-MHN test scores, predict nursing students' empathy? These predictors were used because the literature and conventional wisdom suggest that they would have some predictive power regarding the scores on criterion variable instruments.
Consenting participants (147) were requested to make self-reports of their nurse-patient relationship experiences during four or six week P-MHN clinical practica in inpatient settings and to permit collection of demographic data and junior year P-MHN test scores which were one of two criterion variable measures. The Hogan Empathy Scale,the other criterion variable measure, was administered to undergraduate participants (62) after completion of junior year P-MHN practica.
Results of the study indicate that the variables chosen as predictors are not statistically significant in their ability to predict outcomes. The multiple regression correlation analyses reveal that predictors QPA with P-MHN theory learning and setting with both P-MHN theory learning and empathy approach significance. No variation of the one to one nurse-patient relationship is a reliable, significant predictor of nursing students' P-MHN theory learning or empathy.
This prediction research study's generalizability is restricted to students and graduates of urban university BSN programs. The study merits replication even though the study finds little evidence that either learning of P-MHN theory or empathy are predicted by the nature of the practica assignment one to one nurse-patient relationship, by hospital setting, or by previous academic achievement in college or by SAT scores.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 49-04, Section: A, page: 0742.
School code: 0178.
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