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The major purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between instruction about HIV infection and teacher attitude about public school placement of HIV infected children. Within a conceptual framework based on a fear-fact matrix, instruction served as the independent variable; and knowledge of HIV transmission and attitude about school placement of HIV infected children served as the dependent variables.
It was hypothesized that instruction would improve knowledge and attitude and that as knowledge of HIV transmission improved, attitude would become more positive. A Solomon four-group design was used. Teachers were clustered by schools and random assignment to experimental or control treatment was applied by school. The experimental group consisted of 78 subjects from three schools, and the control group consisted of 35 subjects from one school. Subjects within each school were randomly assigned to one of two subgroups for pretest administration. Pretests were administered to one subgroup in both the experimental and control groups; dummy pretests were administered to the other subgroup in both the experimental and control groups. Treatment in the form of a content specific video was applied by school to prevent cross-contamination of subjects. Posttests were administered to all four groups 3-4 weeks following pretest and treatment.
The instrument entitled "AIDS Information and Opinion Survey" was developed by the investigator. Internal consistency, content validity and construct validity were demonstrated. The tool is designed to measure the dependent variables.
The t-test procedure established equivalence of groups for statistical purposes. Hypotheses were tested using several ANOVA's and comparison of posttest means. Results indicated that no significant differences (p $>$.05) were found in knowledge or attitude. Results did indicate significant positive correlation between knowledge and attitude. Analysis of effects by age, interaction of age and treatment, and interaction of education and treatment also indicated some interesting phenomena.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 50-11, Section: B, page: 4986.
School code: 0050.
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