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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between self-perceived job performance, personality measures of self competence and external-rated job performance while controlling for the effects of job satisfaction and job design. The conceptual model of factors influencing job performance was derived from theoretical work of Adler (1982) and empirical research by Welches, Dixon, & Stanford (1974). The sample was obtained from a secondary data analysis of 91 registered nurses from 7, medical-surgical units in a major medical center located in a Southeastern city. The following four instruments were used: Schwirian Six-Dimension Nursing Performance Scale measured self-perceived performance, California Psychological Inventory measured self competence, Peterman/Schauwecker Job Satisfaction Inventory measured nurse satisfaction, and Slater Nursing Competencies Rating Scale measured external-rated performance.
Analysis of variance for nurse subgroups and demographic variables showed no differences. Regression analysis showed that level of intellectual efficiency, perceived communication skills, perceived ability to function in a professional way, and perceived overall job performance predicted 43% of the variance related to external-rated performance of physical care skills (n = 27). The predictor variables and the dependent variable were negatively correlated. An ANOVA of intellectual efficiency and type of nursing education was significant (p =.007). The competency profile reflected a highly competent group of women who were functioning effectively both socially and intellectually. Results from partial correlation analyses showed no significant relationship among self-perceived overall performance, personality measures of self competence, and external-rated overall performance. Job design was related only to satisfaction with administration and showed no relationship to performance measures. Job satisfaction was found to have both intervening and suppressing effects on the relationship between perceived performance and external-rated performance. Additionally, job satisfaction with professional accomplishments, autonomy in decision making, utilization of knowledge and skills, and overall level of job satisfaction within an organization, were found to be significantly related to self-perceived performance abilities. Findings from this study have theoretical and nursing administration implications and give direction for further study.
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Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 53-04, Section: B, page: 1784.
School code: 2383.
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