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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Breakthrough IT: supercharging organizational value through technology
2007, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
in English
0470124849 9780470124840
Book Details
Table of Contents
Hell freezes over: IT becomes a key component of your organizational strategy
Why do you need breakthrough IT?
The triple threat
Hell freezes over: IT enables strategy
Action points
Executive summary
Up periscope! ending the focus on continuing operations
A brief history of IT
Shifting the focus: moving IT from service provider to strategic asset
Calling Sherlock Holmes: finding continuing operations
Changing the source: what to do with continuing operations
Action points
Executive summary
ET phone home: stop talking IT and start talking strategy
Free at last
Separating process from technology
Where the rubber meets the road: partnering with the CEO
Talking the talk
Action points
Executive summary
C-suite conversations: Greg Buoncontri, CIO of Pitney Bowes
Clear the benches: take your IT shop from dysfunction to dynamo
Hiring (and firing) the right people
Continually improving the skills of your people
Meaningfully evaluating your people
Action points
Executive summary
Milking the cow: turn your IT project portfolio into a cash cow
Developing a project investment mix
The PASRBRTKO: project analyzing, selecting, risk-assessing, budgeting, returns tracking and killing office
What the PMO is not
Action points
Executive summary
Show me the money: controlling a project by the numbers
The right stuff: determining what to measure
Managing to the metrics
Beyond the numbers: the "gut check"
Delivering the goods
Action points
Executive summary
Pushing water uphill: driving organizational change from the C-suite
What is "change management"
The role of the CIO in change management
The role of the CEO in change management
Change management at the line level
Influencing change 101
The end of business as usual
Action points
Executive summary
C-suite conversations: Bridget Reiss and Kathy Allen, CIO and CFO of Millipore Corporation
Cashing in the chips: when to cancel a project
My little runaway
The project killers
Setting failure criteria
When the going gets tough: warning signs
Broaching the topic of cancellation
Cancelling well
Closing time
Action points
Executive summary
Be superman (or wonder woman): coming in late to a struggling shop
Arriving on the scene
Tackling the project portfolio
Turning the wheel: making the leap to breakthrough IT
Action points
Executive summary
C-suite conversation: Phil Stunt, vice president, IT International, CA
Capitalizing on success
Building momentum
Beyond breakthrough IT
The future of the CIO role
In closing
Action points
Executive summary.
Edition Notes
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
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