An edition of Hosanna (1914)


Catholic hymn book, with an appendix of prayers and devotions

4th ed., fully rev. and aug.
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December 3, 2010 | History
An edition of Hosanna (1914)


Catholic hymn book, with an appendix of prayers and devotions

4th ed., fully rev. and aug.
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4th ed., fully rev. and aug

Publish Date
B. Herder

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Table of Contents

Hymns for the Seasons and Festivals.
Creator of the starry height.
Dews of heaven shed the Just One 2
Lo, a Saviour is appearing 3
Make broad the path (I) 8
Make broad the path (II) 9
O come, O come, Emmanuel (I) 4
O come, O come, Emmanuel (II) 5
O come, Redeemer of the earth 6
On Jordan's bank the Baptist's voice 7
A Child is born in Bethlehem (I) 10
A Child is born in Bethlehem (II) 11
Adeste, fideles 201
A great and mighty wonder 20
Altitude quid hie iaces 199
Come, ye lofty, come ye lowly 12
From east to west 14
In Bethlehem of Tudah (I) 17
In Bethlehem of Tudah (II). 18
In Bethlehem of Judah (III) 19
O come, all ye faithful 13
O glorious night 16
§ucm pastores 200
See, amid the winter's snow. 21
Shepherds, tell your beauteous story 22
Thou, the Highest 23
With gladsome voice 15
How brightly beams the morning star 24
How dear art Thou to me
I love Thee, Lord, for no reward
Iesu, dulcis memoria (I)
Iesu, dulcis memoria (II)
Jesus, all holy
Jesus, the very thought is sweet (I)
Jesus, the very thought is sweet (II)
Jesus, the very thought of Thee
Let ev'ry heart exulting beat.
Litany of the M. Holy Name.
Morning-star in darkest gloom
O God, my love is all for Thee
O Jesus, dearest Jesus 34
O love, how deep, how broad, how high 36
When morning gilds the skies 35
a) Penitential Hymnt.
Behold, and bless the solemn days 37
Creator merciful, O hear 39
Miserere mei, Deus 194
Out of the deep 38
At The Passion of Our Lord.
At midnight in the Olive- grove 40
By the blood that flowed from Thee (I) 43
By the blood that flowed from Thee (II) 44
Come, take thy stand beneath the cross 49
Crux, ave, benedicta 203
Go to dark Gethsemane 41
Hear us, Jesus, we beseech Thee 42
I see my Jesus crucified 47
Jesus, as though thyself wert here 45
My Jesus, tell, what wretch has dared 46
O faithful cross ! 48
O sacred Head ! 50
Overwhelmed in depths of sorrow 51
When I survey the wondrous cross 52
When Jesus came to Gethseman 53
Ad regias Agni dapes 203
Christ the Lord hath risen 55
O Christ, the heav'ns eternal King 57
Rejoice, mankind, in thanks unite 59
The day of resurrection 58
The Lamb's high banquet called to share 63
The Lord is risen 62
The morn had spread her crimson rays 54
My dear-bought Christians 56
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing (I) 60
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing (II) 61
Hail, Thou who man's Redeemer art 64
Let's sing triumphant hymns. 65
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest 66
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls delight 67
Come, Holy Spirit, Lord of light 68
The fleeting year pursues its way 69
Veni Creator 174
All hail, adored Trinity (I) 71
All hail, adored Trinity (II). 72
Hail, King of kings 70
O Unity of threefold light 73
Behold the lilies of the field. 75
Come and see how ev'ry thing 70
Hail, Father, whose creating call 80
Holy God, we praise Thy name (I) 77
Holy God. we praise Thy name (II) 78
Sing, my soul, His wondrous love 81
Sing praise to God who reigns above 74
Thee will I love, my dearest Treasure 79
Ye holy angels bright 82
Adoro te devote 175
Come, all ye creatures of the Lord 88
Humbly I adore Thee, hidden Deity (I) 86
Humbly I adore Thee, hidden Deity (II) 87
Iesu, decus angelicum 2206
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all 90
O esca viatorum (I) 204
O esca viatorum (II) 205
O food of men wayfaring 92
O food of wayworn pilgrims 91
O Lord, I am not worthy. 93
O salutaris (see Lat. Hymns)
Praise, my soul, thy Lord 85
Sing, my tongue (I) 83
Sing, my tongue (II) 84
Tantum ergo (see Lat. Hymns)
The Word most highest 94
With food divine 89
All ye who seek a comfort sure 97
Hear the Heart of Jesus pleading 103
In the eucharistic sacrament. 98
O cor amoris victima 208
O Heart of Jesus, living fount 95
O Heart of Jesus, purest Heart 100
O Jesus, in Thy Heart divine. 99
O Jesus, open wide Thy Heart 96
To Jesus' Heart all burning (I) 106
To Jesus' Heart all burning (II) 107
a) General Hymns.
Angelus Domini 191
Ave, Maria 192
Ave, maris Stella (I) 173
Ave. maris Stella (II) 174
Hail, Immaculata! 104
Hail, Mary full of grace 106
Hail, Mary, star of morn. (I). 137
Hail, Mary, star of morn. (II) 138
Hail, Queen of the heavens 126
Hail, Virgin all fair 115
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (I). 117
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (II) 118
Litaniae Lauretanae 180
Maiden most beautiful (I) 107
Maiden most beautiful (II) 108
Maiden most meek and mild. 136
My heart-cry ascendeth 131
Most noble Queen of Victory (I) 127
Most noble Queen of Victory (II) 128
O heav'nly flower 105
O Maria wondrous fair (I) 132
O Maria wondrous fair (II). 133
O Mary, blest Virgin 116
O Mary, Virgin sweet (I) 134
O Mary, Virgin sweet (II) 135
O purest of lilies 125
O sanctissima 177
O say, what blissful vision 129
O Virgin-Mother, pure and fair (I) 122
O Virgin-Mother, pure and fair (II) 123
O Virgin- Mother, pure and fair (III) 124
Queen of Heaven, pray, remember 120
Salve, Regina 190
Shall we not love Thee 121
Star of ocean fairest (I) Ill
Star of ocean fairest (II) 112
Star of ocean fairest (III) 113
Star of ocean fairest (IV) 114
The Virgin-Mother mild 119
Virgin, wholly marvelous (I). 109
Virgin, wholly marvelous (II). 110
We greet Thee, Mary, peerless Virgin 130
b) For the Seasons of the Ecclesiastical Year. Advent, (also during the whole year.) "Ave, Maria, gratia plena" 139
Our Lady took the road 140
(As hymns in honor of the Blessed Virgin during Advent may be used as well Nos. 137 and 138.)
A wondrous twig hath sprouted (I) 141
A wondrous twig hath sprouted (II) 142
By the Cross the Mother-Maiden 143
O what dolors and what sorrows 144
Stabat Mater 193
What a sea of tears and sorrows 145
Regina coeli, iubila 207
Rejoice all ye that sorrow bore 147
The clouds of night 146
Month of May.
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (I). 149
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (II) 150
Lo! Comes the gladsome blooming May 152
O Virgin, we hail thee 148
Raise your voices, vales and mountains 151
God, who in wondrous order. 155
How kind it is of thee to come 154
They tire not, nor do they sleep 153
Aloysius, youthful patron 161
Father of all those (St. Patrick) 181
Francis Xavier, sainted patron (I) 197
Francis Xavier, sainted patron (II) 198
From your blissful thrones 158
Hail, Aloysius, hail! 162
Holy patron, snowy blossom. 163
Need it is we raise our eyes 156
O spouse of that celestial bride (I) (St. Joseph) 159
O spouse of that celestial bride (II) (St. Joseph) 160
Who are these like stars 157
Christian soul, thy toils 196
How delusive, how conclusive 165
Miserere mei, Deus 194
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray 166
That day of wrath 164
Adeste, fideles 2
Adoro te devote 175
Ad regias Agni da pes 203
Altitudo, quid hie iaces 199
Angelus Domini 191
Ave, Maria 192
Ave, maris Stella (I) 173
Ave, maris Stella (II) 174
Crux, ave, benedicta 202
Iesu, decus angelicum 206
Iesu, dulcis memoria (I) 176
Iesu. dulcis memoria (II) 189
(Ps.) Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes 173
(Ps.) Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes 182
Litaniae Lauretanae 180
Miserere mei, Deus 194
Ocor, amoris victima 208
O esca viatorum (I) 204
O esca viatorum (II) 205
O salutaris (I) 167
O salutaris (II) 168
O salutaris (III) 169
O salutaris (IV) 183
O salutaris (V) 184
O salutaris (VI) 185
O sanctissima 177
Quern pastores 200
Regina coeli, inbila 207
Salve, Regina 190
Stabat Mater 193
Tantum ergo (I) 170
Tantum ergo (II) 171
Tantum ergo (III) 172
Tantum ergo (IV) 186
Tantum ergo (V) 187
Tantum ergo (VI) 188
Veni Creator 174
A Child is born in Bethlehem (I) 10
A Child is born in Bethlehem (II) 11
Adeste, fideles 201
Adoro te devote 175
First Lines. No.
Ad regias Agni dapes
A great and mighty wonder.
All hail, adored Trinity (I)
All hail, adored Trinity (II).
All ye who seek a comfort sure
Aloysius, youthful patron
Altitude quid hie iaces 199
Angelus Domini 191
At midnight in the Olive- grove 40
Ave, Maria 192
"Ave Maria, gratia plena" 139
Ave, maris Stella (I) 178
Ave, maris Stella (II) 179
A wondrous twig hath sprouted (I) 141
A wondrous twig hath sprouted (II) 142
Behold and bless the sol. days. 37
Behold the lilies of the field 75
By the blood that flowed (I). 43
By the blood that flowed (II) 44
By the cross the Mother- Maiden 143
Christian soul, thy toils 196
Christ the Lord hath risen 55
Come, all ye creatures of the Lord 88
Come and see how ev'ry thing 70
Come, Holy Ghost, Creator blest 66
Come, Holy Ghost, our souls delight 67
Come, Holy Spirit, Lord of light 68
Come, take thy stand beneath the Cross 49
Come, ye lofty, come, ye lowly 12
Creator merciful, O hear 39
Creator of the starry height 1
Crux, ave, benedicta 202
Dews of heaven, shed the Just One 2
Father of all those, etc. (St. Patrick) 181
Francis Xavier, sainted patron. 197
Francis Xavier, sainted patron. 198
From east to west 14
From your blissful thrones 158
God, who in wondrous order. 155
Go to dark Gethsemane 41
Hail, Aloysius, hail! 162
Hail, Father, whose creating call 80
Hail, King of kings 70
Hail, Immaculata! 104
Hail, Mary, full of grace 106
Hail, Mary, star of morning (I) 137
Hail, Mary, star of morning (II) 138
Hail, Queen of the heavens 126
Hail, Thou who man's Redeemer 64
Hail, Virgin all fair 115
Hear the Heart of Jesus pleading 103
Jesus, Hear Thee we beseech 42
Holy God, we praise Thy name (I)
Holy God. we praise Thy name (II)
Holy patron, snowy blossom.
How brightly beams the morning-star
How dear art Thou to me
How delusive, how conclusive
How kind it is of thee to come
Humbly I adore Thee, hidden Deity (I)
Humbly I adore Thee, hidden Deity (II)
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (I).
I'll sing to thee, O Mary (II)
I'll sing to thee, O Mary [month of May] (I)
I'll sing to thee, O Mary [month of Mayl (II)
I love Thee, Lord, for no reward
In Bethlehem of Judah (I)
In Bethlehem of Tudah (II).
In Bethlehem of Judah (III)
I see my Jesus crucified
In the eucharistic sacrament.
Iesu, decus angelicum
Iesu, dulcis memoria (I)
Iesu, dulcis memoria (II)
Jesus, all holy
Jesus, as though thyself wert here
Jesus, my Lord, my God, my all
Jesus, the very thought is sweet (I)
Jesus, the very thought is sweet (II)
Jesus, the very thought of Thee
(Ps.) Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes
(Ps.) Laudate Dominum, omnes gentes
Let ev'ry heart exulting beat.
Let's sing triumphant hymns.
Litaniae Lauretanae
Litany of the Most Holy Name
Maiden most beautiful (I)
Maiden most beautiful (II)
Maiden most meek and mild.
Make broad the path (I)
Make broad the path (II)
Miserere mei, Deus
Morning-star in darkest gloom
Most noble Queen of Victory
Most noble Queen of Victory (II)
My heart-cry ascendeth
My Jesus, tell what wretch
Need it is we raise our eyes. 156
O Christ, the heav'ns eternal King 57
O come, all ye faithful 13
O come, O come, Emmanuel (I) 4
O come, O come, Emmanuel (II) 5
O come, Redeemer of the earth 6
O Cor, amoris victima 208
O esca viatorum (I) 204
O esca viatorum (II) 206
O faithful cross ! 48
O food of men wayfaring 92
O food of wayworn pilgrims 91
O glorious night 16
O God, my love is all for Thee 33
O Heart of Jesus, living fount 95
O Heart of Jesus, Purest Heart 100
O heavn'ly flower, pure and fair I 105
O Jesus, dearest Jesus 34
O Jesus, in Thy Heart divine. 99
O Jesus, open wide Thy Heart 96
O love, how deep, how broad. 36
O Lord, I am not worthy 93
O Maria wondrous fair (I) 132
O Maria wondrous fair (II) 133
O Mary, blest Virgin 116
O Mary, Virgin sweet (I) 134
O Mary, Virgin sweet (II) 135
On Jordan's bank 7
O purest of lilies 125
O sacred Head 50
O salutaris (MID 167-169
O salutaris (IV-VI) 183-185
O sanctissima 177
O say, what blissful vision 129
O spouse of that celestial bride (I) 159
O spouse of that celestial bride (II) 160
O Unity of threefold light. 73
Our Lady took the road 140
Out of the deep 38
Overwhelmed in depths of sorrow 51
O Virgin-Mother, pure and fair (I) 122
O Virgin-Mother, pure and fair (II) 123
O Virgin- Mother, pure and fair (III) 124
O Virgin, we hail Thee 148
O what dolors and what sorrows 144
Praise, my soul, thy Lord 85
Queen of Heaven, pray, remember 120
Quem pastores laudavere 200
Regina coeli, iubila 207
Raise your voices, vales and mountains 151
Rejoice all ye that sorrow bore 147
Rejoice, mankind, in thanks unite 59
Rise, my soul, to watch and pray 166
Salve, Regina 190
See, amid the winter's snow 21
Shall we not love thee, Mother dear 121
Shepherds, tell your beauteous story 22
Sing, my soul, His wondrous love 81
Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory (I) 83
Sing, my tongue, the Saviour's glory (II) 84
Sing praise to God who reigns above 74
Stabat Mater 193
Star of ocean fairest (I) 111
Star of ocean fairest (II) 112
Star of ocean fairest (III) 113
Star of ocean fairest (IV) 114
Tantum ergo (Mil) 170-172
Tantum ergo (IV-VI) 186-188
That day of wrath 164
The clouds of night have rolled away 146
The day of resurrection! 58
Thee will I love 79
The fleeting year pursues its way 69
The Lamb's high banquet called to share 63
The Lord is risen 62
The morn had spread her crimson rays 54
The Virgin-mother mild 119
The Word most highest from above 94
They tire not, nor do they sleep 153
Thou, the Highest 23
To Jesus' Heart all burning (I) 106
To Jesus' Heart all burning (II) 107
Veni Creator 174
Virgin, wholly marvelous (I) 109
Virgin, wholly marvelous (II) 110
We greet thee, Mary, peer-less Virgin 130
What a sea of tears and sorrows 145
When I survey the wondrous cross 52
When Jesus came to Gethsemane 53
When morning gilds the skies 35
With food divine Thou dost me feed 89
With gladsome voice 15
Who are these like stars appearing 157
Ye dear-bought Christians 56
Ye holy Angels bright 82
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing (I) 60
Ye sons and daughters, let us sing (II) 61
I. Morning Prayers 221
II. Night Prayers 222
Various Prayers:
Soul of Christ, etc 234
Behold, O kind and most sweet Jesus 242
I believe in God the Father, etc 222
III. Devotions at Holy Mass 223
IV. A Method of hearing Mass in common 232
V. Devotions for Confession 235
VI. Devotions for Communion (General Communion of a Sodality) 238
VII. To the Sacred Heart of Jesus 243
An Act of Reparation and Consecration 243
Litany of the Sacred Heart 243
VIII. The Holy Way of the Cross 245
IX. To the Blessed Virgin, the Angels and the Saints 248
A method of saying the Beads 248
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Mary 249
Litany of the Blessed Virgin 249
O Domina mea : O my Lady 221
Memorare : Remember, O most gracious Virgin 223
To the Guardian Angel 251
To choose St. Joseph for patron 250
To St. Joseph for a happy death 251
To St. Joseph 253
To St. Aloysius 253
To St. Rose 254
X. Sodality Devotions 251

Edition Notes

Published in
St. Louis

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vi, 254 p. :
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