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This reference is ideal for planning, performing, and interpreting food protein analyses, especially as it relates to the effect of food processing on protein investigation results-delineating basic research principles, practices, and anticipated outcomes in each of the illustrated protein assays.The first volume to focus exclusively on the analysis of food proteins. Food Protein Analysis explains the Kjeldahl method and combustion of nitrogen analyzersdescribes copper binding techniques in the Biuret, Lowry, and Bicinchoninic acid assaysdiscusses the determination of trace protein allergens in soy beans, peanuts, wheat, and related cerealsoffers general sample pretreatment strategies to avoid interference in test resultsevaluates immunological techniques for protein speciation of raw and cooked meatsaddresses the rapid detection of the bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) agent and other transmissible spongiform encephalopathic agentsexamines the effect of processing on protein nutrient values as seen in milk and milk powders, infant formulas, feeds and concentrates for livestock, legumes and oilseeds, and cereal and cereal productscovers protein digestibility and denaturation, chemical deterioration, and matrix effects on the rate of deterioration of protein ingredientsWith over 1000 works cited, this comprehensive reference is essential reading for nutritionists; food and food protein chemists; surface, colloid, organic, flavor, enzyme, and lipid chemists and biochemists; food scientists and technologists; biotechnologists; agriculturists; dietitians; microbiologists; toxicologists; and upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in these disciplines.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
Food Protein Analysis
2003, Marcel Dekker, Inc., Marcel Dekker Ltd
in English
0824744675 9780824744670
Food protein analysis: quantitative effects on processing
2002, Marcel Dekker
in English
0824706846 9780824706845
Food Protein Analysis: Quantitative Effects on Processing
2002, Taylor & Francis Group
in English
1280204540 9781280204548
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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