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Conservation, Biology, Biodiversité, Biodiversity, Protection, Endangered Species, Espèces en danger, Extinction (Biologie), FaunePlaces
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Conservation de la diversité biologique: problématique et solutions
1985, Fondation pour la sauvegarde des espèces menacées
in French
- Version finale.
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cn 87004087 t_oclc
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Most widely held works by Jean-Guy Lavoie
Il était une fois la vie-- : le spectacle inachevé by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
3 editions published in 1991 in French and held by 28 libraries worldwide
Conséquences écologiques et humaines de la guerre : plaidoyer pour la prévention d'un holocauste nucléaire by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 17 libraries worldwide
Biologie de l'extinction by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 14 libraries worldwide
Conservation de la diversité biologique : problématique et solutions by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 13 libraries worldwide
Impact de l'homme sur les forêts tropicales humides by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 12 libraries worldwide
Principales causes humaines responsables de la raréfaction de la vie sauvage by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1985 in French and held by 12 libraries worldwide
Les espèces menacées aux États-Unis : bref aperçu de la législation fédérale et des actions de certains intervenants by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 7 libraries worldwide
Les organisations internationales, l'environnement et le développement by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1987 in French and held by 5 libraries worldwide
Le développement récréatif : problématique et impacts by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1986 in French and held by 5 libraries worldwide
Especes fauniques du Quebec susceptibles d'etre designees vulnerables ou menacees by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1987 in French and held by 2 libraries worldwide
La faune invertebree : un patrimoine meconnu en peril by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1987 in French and held by 2 libraries worldwide
Impact de la présence humaine sur l'Omble chevalier anadrome (Salvelinus alpinus L.) de la Baie Déception by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
2 editions published in 1981 in French and English and held by 2 libraries worldwide
La contribution des collections biologiques ex situ a la sauvegarde des especes vulnerables ou menacees d'extinction : commentaires et bibliographie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1984 in French and held by 2 libraries worldwide
La faune invertébrée : un patrimoine méconnu en péril by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1987 in French and held by 2 libraries worldwide
Conséquences écologiques et humaines de la guerre (plaidoyer pour la prévention d'un holocauste nucléaire) ; Conservation de la diversité biologique, problématique et solutions by World Commission on Environment and Development ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
Principales causes humaines responsables de la rarefaction de la vie sauvage : version finale by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
Biologie de l'extinction : version finale by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
Bref aperçu historique de la conservation de la nature au cours de l'aventure humaine : version finale by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1984 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
Espèces fauniques du Québec susceptibles d'être désignées vulnérables ou menacées by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1987 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
La Contribution des collections biologiques ex situ à la sauvegarde des espèces vulnérables ou menacées d'extinction : commentaires et bibliographie by Jean-Guy Lavoie ( Book )
1 edition published in 1985 in French and held by 1 library worldwide
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