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The book targets a broad readership. First of all, it targets young researchers (postgraduate students) in solid state physics (both physicists and theoretical chemists) as it contains a wide and comprehensive coverage of all important branches of the subject including an up-to-date survey of recent revolutionary advances in quantum mechanics which have made it possible not only to calculate many properties of molecules and solids in close agreement with experiment, but to make reliable predictions in cases when a direct experiment is not possible (e.g. the Earth core). Secondly, it should be a valuable asset to established researches in the areas of materials science, solid-state physics and chemistry due to very detailed explanations of a wide range of phenomena ranging from symmetry, lattice vibrations, electronic structure and superconductivity to magnetic and dielectric properties. Rigour and detail in explaining complicated mathematical techniques and in providing derivations when talking of various physical concepts are essential for those who would like to really understand things they have never had a chance to. Because of that and of the fact that the book contains a lot of material from different areas of solid-state physics retold from a single viewpoint, it should be indispensable for lecturers. Not only a number of courses, both general and specialised, should be possible to set up, but these courses may also be of a different level of difficulty ranging from undergraduate, postgraduate and then to highly advanced ones. This is because of a clear marking system adopted in the book. Hence, it should also be useful for advanced third- and fourth-year undergraduate students.
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Previews available in: English
Quantum theory, Solid-state physics, Solid state physics, Physical and theoretical Chemistry, Physics, Surfaces (Physics), Physical organic chemistry, Condensed Matter Physics, Dynamical Systems and Complexity Statistical Physics, Mathematical and Computational Physics Theoretical, Characterization and Evaluation of MaterialsEdition | Availability |
Quantum Theory of the Solid State: An Introduction
Oct 09, 2014, Springer
9401569959 9789401569958
Quantum theory of the solid state: an introduction
2004, Kluwer Academic
in English
1402018215 9781402018213
Quantum theory of the solid state: an introduction
2004, Kluwer Academic Publishers
in English
1402018215 9781402018213
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 595-607) and index.
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