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The Kaliuzhnyi Papers focus on the life and activities of participants of one of the Ukrainian nationalist movements, the United Hetman Organization [Soiuz hetmantsiv derzhavnykiv], during the 1940s to 1950s. During this period the hetmanite movement was under the leadership of Danylo Skoropadskyi, who assumed the role in 1948 and served until his death in 1957. Rodion Kaliuzhnyi served as his secretary and after Skoropadskyi's death continued to be active in the movement. The collection also includes material on the activites of the Association of Ukrainian Women in Great Britain, as well as other Ukrainian emigre organizations such as the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, the Ukrainian Catholic Women's Organization in Germany, and several publishing houses. Other aspects of Ukrainian emigre life are documented by photographs of the Ukrainian community in the displaced persons camps in Mittenwald and Aschaffenburg, Germany from 1946 to 1949.
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The Rodion Kaliuzhnyi Papers were given to the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library by Lidia-Maria Kaliuzhna in 2003.
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