An edition of Suite française (2004)

Suite Française

22nd printing
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Last edited by indy133
August 25, 2024 | History
An edition of Suite française (2004)

Suite Française

22nd printing
  • 4.2 (13 ratings) ·
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"By the early 1940s, when Ukrainian-born Irene Nemirovsky began working on what would become Suite Francaise - the first two parts of a planned five-part novel - she was already a highly successful writer living in Paris. But she was also a Jew, and in 1942 she was arrested and deported to Auschwitz: a month later she was dead at the age of thirty-nine. Two years earlier, living in a small village in central France - where she, her husband, and their two small daughters had fled in a vain attempt to elude the Nazis - she'd begun her novel, a luminous portrayal of a human drama in which she herself would become a victim. When she was arrested, she had completed two parts of the epic; her daughters took the manuscript with them into hiding. Sixty-four years later, at long last, we can read Nemirovsky's literary masterpiece" "The first part, "A Storm in June," opens in the chaos of the massive 1940 exodus from Paris on the eve of the Nazi invasion, during which several families and individuals are thrown together under circumstances beyond their control. In the second part, "Dolce," we enter the increasingly complex life of a German-occupied provincial village. Coexisting uneasily with the soldiers billeted among them, the villagers - from aristocrats to shopkeepers to peasants - cope as best they can."--BOOK JACKET

Publish Date
Alfred A. Knopf

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Previews available in: English Vietnamese Spanish

Edition Availability
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2015?, Vintage Books, Vintage
Paperback in English - Movie Tie-In Edition (1)
Cover of: Suite française
Suite française
2009, Vintage Books
in English
Cover of: Bản giao hưởng Pháp
Bản giao hưởng Pháp
2008, NXB Hội nhà văn, Nhã Nam
in Vietnamese
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2007, Vintage Books
Mass Market Paperback in English - printing (1)
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2007-05, Vintage International, Vintage
Paperback in English - First Vintage International edition (1)
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2007-01, Alfred A. Knopf
Hardcover in English - 22nd printing
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2007, Large Print Press
Softcover in English - U.S. Large Print Softcover edition
Cover of: Suite Française
Suite Française
2006, Chatto & Windus
Hardcover in English - printing (8)
Cover of: Suite Frangaise (Reviewers' Choice)
Suite Frangaise (Reviewers' Choice)
December 2006, Thorndike Press
Hardcover in English
Cover of: Suite Francesa
Suite Francesa
February 2006, Salamandra, Salamandra Publicacions Y Edicions
Paperback in Spanish

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Book Details

Table of Contents

Storm in June --
Dolce ---- Iréne Némirovsky's handwritten notes on the situation in France and her plans for Suite Française, taken from her notebooks-- Correspondence-- Preface to the French Edition

Edition Notes

Includes bibliographical references.

Published in
New York, USA
Copyright Date


Library of Congress
PQ2627.E4 S8513 2006, PQ2627.E4S8513 2006


Sandra Smith

The Physical Object

x, 395 p. :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
1052791707, 63390753
Amazon ID (ASIN)

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Work Description

Écrit dans le feu de l'Histoire, Suite française dépeint presque en direct l'Exode de juin 1940, qui brassa dans un désordre tragique des familles françaises de toute sorte, des plus huppées aux plus modestes. Avec bonheur, Irène Némirovsky traque les innombrables petites lâchetés et les fragiles élans de solidarité d'une population en déroute. Cocottes larguées par leur amant, grands bourgeois dégoûtés par la populace, blessés abandonnés dans des fermes engorgent les routes de France bombardées au hasard... Peu à peu l'ennemi prend possession d'un pays inerte et apeuré. Comme tant d'autres, le village de Bussy est alors contraint d'accueillir des troupes allemandes. Exacerbées par la présence de l'occupant, les tensions sociales et frustrations des habitants se réveillent...Roman bouleversant, intimiste, implacable, dévoilant avec une extraordinaire lucidité l'âme de chaque Français pendant l'Occupation (enrichi de notes et de la correspondance d'Irène Némirovsky), Suite française ressuscite d'une plume brillante et intuitive un pan à vif de notre mémoire.


Hot, thought the Parisians.
added by Lisa.

first sentence (English translation)

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