The happiness of the blessed, considered as to the particulars of their state

their recognition of each other in that state ; and its difference of dggrees. To which is added, Musings on the church and her services

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Last edited by Tom Morris
June 26, 2024 | History

The happiness of the blessed, considered as to the particulars of their state

their recognition of each other in that state ; and its difference of dggrees. To which is added, Musings on the church and her services

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Table of Contents

The first reference denotes the subject of each Section ; the next the title of the annexed Sonnet or Sonnets.
Sect I. — Introductory — Consideration of the subject suggested by Holy Scripture, and to be regulated by the same 1
The Day of Judgment 5
II. — The intermediate state ib.
Rest in Christ 10
III. — The future state of the Blessed — Their place of abode 11 Heaven 16
IV. — The condition of the Blessed ib.
Heavenly Joys 22
V. — The bodies of the Blessed ib.
The Body glorified 26
The insect transformed 27
VI. — The souls of the Blessed ib.
The Spirit sanctified 30
VII. — The society and employments of the Blessed ib.
The Assembly and Church of the First-born 34
The Angels 35
God's presence in Heaven. ib.
God's praises in Heaven 36
Sect. I. — Gratitude due to God for the revelation of future happiness 37
Praise to God for Heaven revealed 40
II. — Contemplation of heavenly happiness — its immediate effect ib.
Heaven reflected 42
III. — Contemplation of heavenly happiness, a motive to a Christian life ib.
The prospect of Heaven a motive to exertion 47
IV. — Contemplation of Heaven weans the affection from earth 48 Earth is not the Christian's home 51
V. — Contemplation of Heaven, a remedy for earthly sufferings ib. The Mourner comforted 55
VI. — Contemplation of Heaven a corrective of earthly passions 56
The Sinner disqualified for Heaven 58
Hell 59
VII.- — Contemplation of Heaven promotes heavenly affections ib.
The Holy City 65
VIII. — Gratitude due to God for the gift ofheavenly happiness ib.
Thanks to God for the gift of Heaven 68
Sect. I. — General persuasion on the proposed subject — Motive for discussing it 69
Knowledge of each other in Heaven 72
II. — Recognition of each other probable, from exhortation to comfort under the loss of departed friends 73
Sorrow not without hope 76
III. — The recognition of each other probable, from observations relating to St Paul and his disciples 77
The Christian Pastor's joy in his flock 81
IV. — The recognition of each other probable, from our Lord's language with reference to the day of judgment 81
The reward of Christian benevolence 83
V. — The recognition of each other probable, from what is revealed concerning the future society of the Blessed 84
Tbc re-union of friends in Heaven 87
VI. — The recognition of each other probable, from what is revealed concerning the future feelings of the Blessed 88
Charity never faileth 90
VII. — Probability confirmed by the general tenour of holy Scripture — Question as to the change in the Blessed 91
The changed body recognized 94
VIII. — Question as to the consciousness of the Blessed concerning the absence of their friends 95
Heaven's bliss not affected by thoughts of Hell 97
IX. — Conclusion. — Utility, and salutary effects, of such an inquiry as the present 98
Heaven's joys perfect 101
Sect I. — Introduction. — Statement of the case of the sons of Zebedee, and doctrine of different degrees of future happiness founded thereon 103
The ambitious disciples 109
II. — Doctrine, corroborated by other arguments 110
Degrees of heavenly happiness 115
III. — Qualifications for higher degrees of happiness ib.
Conformity to Christ's example, the way to his glory 120
IV. — Principle on which they will be bestowed ib.
Happiness prepared of the Father for Christ's disciples 124
V. — Proper effect of the foregoing reflections ib.
The Christian's aim 127
VI. — Concluding exhortation 128
Christian ambition 129
Collects applicable to the foregoing subjects 130
I. To my Country's Church 139
II. The Church Apostolick 140
III. True Knowledge ib.
III*. The Name of God 141
IV. The Works of God ib.
IV*. God's Providence 142
V. The Book of God ib.
VI. The Law 143
VII. The Gospel ib.
VIII. Scripture Difficulties 144
IX. Scripture Guides ib.
X. The Lord's Day 145
XI. God's Sabbath ib.
XII. The House of God 146
XIII. Social Worship ib.
XIII*. Spiritual Communion 147
XIV. The Cathedral ib.
XV. Choral Service 148
XVI. The Village Church ib.
XVII. Parochial Service 149
XVIII. The Church's Ceremonial ib.
XIX. The Lord's Prayer 150
XX. The Apostle's Liturgy ib.
XXI. Prayer in Christ's Name 151
XXII. Devout Worship ib.
XXIII. The Christian's Belief. 152
XXIV. Psalmody ib.
XXV. The Church-yard 153
XXVI. The Tomb Stones ib.
XXVII. Church Bells 154
XXVIII. The Village Clock ib.
XXIX. The Parsonage 155
XXX. The Man of God ib.
XXXI. The Gospel Ministry 156
XXXII. The Priesthood ib.
XXXIII. The Inward Call 157
XXXIV. Pastoral Studies 157
XXXV. Pastoral Recreations 158
XXXVI. The Preacher ib.
XXXVII. Preaching Evangelical 159
XXXVIII. Preaching Un-evangelical ib.
XXXIX. The Poor Man's Friend 180
XL. The Pastor's Help Meet ib.
XLI. The Pastor's Widow and Orphans 161
XLII. The Ark of Christ's Church ib.
XLIII. Holy Baptism 162
XLIV. The Baptized in health ib.
XLV. The Baptized in danger 163
XLVI. Spiritual Life ib.
XLVI*. A Birth-day Thought 164
XLVII. Childhood trained ib.
XLVIII. The Catechist 165
XLIX. The Catechism ib.
L. Parochial Instruction 166
LI. The Baptized Adult ib.
LII. Confirmation 167
LIII. The Lord's Supper ib.
LIV. The Wedding Garment 168
LV. The Scrupulous Christian ib.
LVI. The Humble Communicant 169
LVI*. The Poor Blind Man ib.
LVII. The High Festivals 70
LVIII. The Saints' Day ib.
LIX. Daily Prayers 171
LX. The Morning Offering ib.
LXI. The Evening Sacrifice 172
LXII. Family Worship ib
LXIII. Holy Matrimony 17
LXIV. The Honoured Wife ib.
LXV. The Thankful Mother 174
LXVI. The Christian Family ib.
LXVII. God's Judgment against Sinners 175
LXVIII. In a time of Common Sickness ib.
LXIX. The Sick Man visited 176
LXX. The Sick Communicant ib.
LXXI. The Absolved Sinner 377
LXXII. The Sick restored 177
LXXIII. Fruits of Sickness 178
LXXIII*. Timely Preparation ib.
LXXIV. The Death Bed 179
LXXIV*. The Sudden Death ib.
LXXV. The Dying Criminal 180
LXXVI. The Obedient Disciple ib.
LXXV1I. The Death of the Righteous 181
LXXVIII. The Passing Bell ib.
LXXIX. The Funeral 182
LXXX. Thanksgiving for the Departed ib.
LXXXI. Hope for the Departed 183
LXXXII. Christian Unity ib.
LXXXIII. Beauty of the Church 184
LXXXIV. Safety in the Church ib.
LXXXV. God the Preserver of his Church 185
LXXXVI. To the Reader ib.

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