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Previews available in: German
Arid regions, Droughts, Famines, Agriculture, Arid regions agriculture, Sécheresses, Agriculture des régions aridesPlaces
SahelEdition | Availability |
Nachder Dürre: d. Zukunft d. Sahel
1976, Weltforum-Verlag
in German
- (Neuaufl.).
3803901391 9783803901392
Book Details
Edition Notes
First ed. published in 1974 under title, Dürren in Afrika.
At head of title, Ifo-Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung München, Abteilung Entwicklungsländer, Afrikastudienstelle.
Summary in English and French.
Includesbibliographies and index.
The Physical Object
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