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Bible, Criticism, interpretation, Hebrew language, Language, style, Medical Hebrew, Medicine in the Bible, Style, Guérison dans la Bible, Judaism, Médecine dans la littérature rabbinique, Religion and Medicine, Langue, Hébreu (Langue), Critique, interprétation, Medicine in Literature, Bibel, Hebreeuws, Médecine dans la Bible, History of Medicine, Sprachursprung, Wortschatz, Medizin, Hebräisch, Hébreu médical, Oude Testament, Medische aspectenEdition | Availability |
Medicine in the biblical background: and other essays on the origins of Hebrew
2000, Pontificio istituto biblico
in English
8876531424 9788876531422
Book Details
Edition Notes
Bibliography [of medicine in the Old Testament]: p. 35-68.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
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