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Berlioz the bear and his fellow musicians are due to play for the town ball when the mule pulling their bandwagon refuses to move. A strange buzzing in Berlioz's double bass turns into a surprise that saves the day.
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Previews available in: English French
Bears, Musicians, Animals, Fiction, Juvenile fiction, Children: Grades 1-2, Stories, Children's fiction, Bears, fiction, Animals, fiction, Musicians, fiction, Music, Animaux, Romans, nouvelles, etc. pour la jeunesse, Musique, Ours, Double bass, Bands (Music), Wagons, Dirt roads, Holes, Mules, Roosters, Tabby cats, Schnauzers, Goats, Horses, Oxen, Bees, Bee attacks, Parties, Bands(music), Reading list, Hockaday, Before 1st grade, Reading List, Armstrong Elementary, 1st grade, UP Elementary, Entering 2nd grade, Musiciens, Contrebasse, Harmonies (Orchestres), Routes en terre, Trous, Mulets, Coqs, Chats tabby, Chèvres, Chevaux, Bœufs, Abeilles, Jvenile fictionEdition | Availability |
Berlioz the Bear
October 1999, Tandem Library
School & Library Binding
in English
0785761594 9780785761594
Berlioz the Bear
September 1998, Perfection Learning Prebound
Unknown Binding
0780787919 9780780787919
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Book Details
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Source records
Scriblio MARC recordCollingswood Public Library record
marc_openlibraries_phillipsacademy MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
marc_nuls MARC record
midcolumbia:830409 record
First Sentence
"Zum. Zum buzzz. Zum. Zum. Buzz. Berlioz had been practicing for weeks, and now just when the orchestra was going to play in the village square for a gala ball, a strange buzz was coming from his double bass."
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