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"Dr. Dowan Purcell had been missing for nine weeks when Kinsey got a call asking her to take on the case. A specialist in geriatric medicine, Purcell was a prominent member of the Santa Teresa medical community, and the police had done a thorough job. Purcell had no known enemies and seemed contented with his life. At the time of his disappearance, he was running a nursing care facility where both the staff and the patients loved him.
He adored his second wife, Crystal, and doted on their two-year-old son." "It wasn't Crystal who called Kinsey. It was Purcell's ex-wife, Fiona. Everything about their meeting made Kinsey uneasy. Fiona's manner was high-handed and her expectations unrealistic. Kinsey's instincts told her to refuse the job, yet she ended up saying, "I'll do what I can, but I make no promises."" "It was a decision she'd live to regret.".
"Pursuing the mysterious disappearance of Purcell, Kinsey crashes into a wall of speculation. It seems everyone has a theory. The cops think he went on a bender and is too ashamed to come home. Fiona is sure he ran off to get away from Crystal, and Crystal is just as sure he's dead. The staff at the nursing home is convinced he's been kidnapped, and one of his daughters, having consulted a psychic, is certain that he's trapped in a dark place, though she doesn't know where.
Kinsey is awash in explanations and sorely lacking in facts. Then pure chance leads her in another direction, and she soon finds herself in a dangerous shadow land, where duplicity and double-dealing are the reality and, with the truth glinting elusively out of reach, she must stake her life on a thin thread of intuition."--BOOK JACKET.
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Mystery, Novela de misterio, Detective and mystery stories, Investigadoras privadas, Women private investigators, Fiction, Millhone, Kinsey (Personaje literario), Kinsey Millhone (Fictitious character), Ficción, Millhone, Kinsey (Fictitious character), Private investigators, fiction, Millhone, kinsey (fictitious character), fiction, Fiction, mystery & detective, women sleuths, Santa teresa (calif. : imaginary place), fictionPlaces
CaliforniaEdition | Availability |
"P" is for Peril
2008, Penguin Group USA, Inc.
Electronic resource
in English
1436241138 9781436241137
Tödliche Gier [P wie Panik]
2006-04, Goldmann
in German
- Einmalige Sonderausgabe April 2006
3442462355 9783442462353
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
"P" Is for Peril: A Kinsey Milhone Mystery (Sue Grafton)
June 5, 2001, Random House Audio
in English
0375416846 9780375416842
Book Details
Edition Notes
"A Marian Wood book."
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Internet Archive item recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Promise Item
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
Work Description
She's every lover's feisty girlfriend. She's every father's courageous daughter. She's every woman's tough, vulnerable, and spirited alter ego. She's Kinsey Millhone, familiar to millions of readers around the globe, and she's back in full stride in P is for Peril, her latest venture into the darker side of the human soul. Mordant, mocking, and deceptively low-key, hers is a voice we know we can trust, from a character we've come to love. Through fifteen novels, Sue Grafton has gone from strength to strength, never writing the same book twice. So it's no surprise that she has taken on new territory in her sixteenth, this time entering the world of noir. It's a world cast in shades of black amid shafts of steel and silver, a shadow land in which the mysterious disappearance of a prominent physician leads Kinsey into a danger-filled maze of duplicity and double-dealing as she taps into the intricacies of a cunning Medicare fraud. P is for Peril: the novel in which Millhone stakes her life on a thin thread of intuition because the facts glint elusively out of reach and only guesses offer any shot at the truth. "Unlike many detective series, Grafton's seems only to get better each time out," wrote Entertainment Weekly, and P is for Peril is a case in point. Pushing herself, reaching further with each new book, Sue Grafton delivers every time.
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