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No one is more successful than this author when it comes to making the cutting edge of physics more accessible to a broad lay audience. In Schrodinger's Kittens, he took readers to the eerie world of subatomic particles & waves. Now, he explores the most exciting area of research in physics today: string theory. Following a series of major breakthroughs in the 1990s, physicists are putting together a clearer picture of how subatomic particles work. By hypothesizing particles as a single loop of vibrating "string," they are on the brink of discovering a way to explain all of nature's forces in a single theory. Grandly named "superstrings,"& incorporating the ideas of "supersymmetry," these models are the prime candidate for the long sought-for "Theory of Everything." Written in clear & accessible language. The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, & the Theory of Everything brings to life the remarkable scientific research that is on the cusp of radically altering our conception of the universe.
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
The Search for Superstrings, Symmetry, and the Theory of Everything
2009, Little, Brown and Company
Electronic resource
in English
0316092924 9780316092920
The search for superstrings, symmetry, and the theory of everything
2000, Back Bay Books
in English
- 1st Back Bay pbk. ed.
0316326143 9780316326148
In search of Susy: supersymmetry, string and the theory of everything
1998, Penguin Books
in English
0140275827 9780140275827
The search for superstrings, symmetry, and the theory of everything
1998, Little, Brown
in English
- 1st North American ed.
0316329754 9780316329750
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Includes bibliographical references and index.
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