A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children.

Preached upon the sudden and lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright. Who departed this life, April the 8th. 1714. Having just compleated the fourteenth year of her age.

A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divi ...
Benjamin Colman

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January 30, 2010 | History

A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children.

Preached upon the sudden and lamented death of Mrs. Elizabeth Wainwright. Who departed this life, April the 8th. 1714. Having just compleated the fourteenth year of her age.

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Cover of: A devout contemplation on the meaning of divine providence in the early death of pious and lovely children
Cover of: A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children.
Cover of: A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children
Cover of: A devout contemplation on the meaning of Divine Providence, in the early death of pious and lovely children.

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Evans 1671.

Microfiche. [New York : Readex Microprint, 1985] 11 x 15 cm. (Early American imprints. First series ; no. 1671).

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Early American imprints -- no. 1671.

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[2], vi, 28 p.
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