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The Black Stones in Mecca is the same stone who rapresented the goddess Cibele in Rome. She was saved from the distruction after victory of cristhianism and transported in Mecca santuary, the last pagan place remained, before Mohamed and Islam, were there was the cult of ancient feminines goddesses assimilables to Cibele. Coran don't speack about black stone. Mohamed accepted it to keep union with people around new religion. Important part of the Gnostic.
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Pessinunte, Rome, MeccaEdition | Availability |
Da Cibele a Maometto: storia della pietra nera della Mecca
2004, Il ponte vecchio
in Italian
8883128354 9788883128356
Da Cibele a Maometto: storia della pietra nera della Mecca
2004, Il ponte vecchio
in Italian
8883128354 9788883128356
Book Details
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 219-220).
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July 22, 2010 | Edited by | Added new cover |
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